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Dragi posjetioci, članovi i gosti Foruma BECAN,

Ove tema tiče se  etičkih dilema i izazova u istraživanjima sa djecom. Aktivnosti predviđene Radnim paketom 8 (WP8) projekta BECAN, odnose se na ova pitanja.  

Želimo vam predstaviti zvanični dokument: "Etički kodeks istraživanja o djeci" Vijeća za djecu koje je izdalo Ministarstvo za ljudska prava i izbjeglice Bosne i Hercegovine, a koji govori o pravilima ponašanja kada se se radi o istraživanja sa djecom.

Dokument možete preuzeti ovdje

Ovom prilikom napominjemo da je Vijeće za djecu Ministarstva za ljudska prava i izbjeglice BiH podržalo projekat BECAN u BiH, pismom podrške od 28.04.2010 (broj 01-50-3067/10).

U ime BH BECAN tima:
Samir Forić,
mlađi istraživač
Institut za društvena istraživanja
Fakultet političkih nauka Sarajevo

Dear BECAN Forum visitors, members and guests.

Subject of this thread is about ethical questions and as such represent issues related to Work Package No. 8.

We wish to present you with an offical document ("Code of Ethical Conduct For Research Involving Children")issued by the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina -created by Council For Children - concerning research involving children and code of conduct.

Here you can download this document. Even though it is written in official languages of B&H (Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian language) there is a part written in English (pages 76-99) which we recommend to your attention. Also, find this document attached to this post.

On this occasion we would also like to mention that Council For Children of Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees B&H supported BECAN research by it's Letter of Support from 28th of April 2010 (No. 01-50-3067/10).

In the name of Bosna and Herzegovina BECAN team:

Samir Forić,
junior researcher
Institute for Social Science Research
Faculty of Political Sciences Sarajevo