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 Research Awards Programme 2010 - 6 weeks remaining

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Dear Colleague

BASPCAN's Research Award programme for 2010 has been launched and applications for this year are being accepted until July 31st. 2010 is the fifth year of the BASPCAN Research Grant Awards for BASPCAN members undertaking or completing small scale research projects on child protection.

This year BASPCAN will be awarding grants to collaborative applications made by practitioners & researchers (academic and other) working in partnership.

The research must have a clear focus on child protection/safeguarding and preference will be given to applications that are multi-disciplinary or multi-agency in nature.

The grant can be used to fund new research or to provide a means to extend or develop existing research. The research must not involve work that would normally be undertaken by an organisation as part of its regular monitoring processes.

BASPCAN encourages members from all UK countries to apply for a grant, up to a maximum of £5,000.

To apply for a Research Grant please download and fill out the Research Proposal Form which also contains the full eligibility criteria as well as further information and guidance. Completed applications should be submitted via email along with a brief summary CV for all applicants to:

[email protected] by 31st July 2010

marked ‘FAO - BASPCAN Research Awards' in the subject line.

A signed copy should also be posted to the National Office address at the bottom of this message.

If you are not currently a member of BASPCAN but would like to apply for a Research Grant this year, please visit the membership page on our website or contact the National Office for details on how to join.

Further information, the Research Grant Application Form and Eligibility Criteria are also available on the BASPCAN website at or by request from the National Office.

All applications will be considered by a BASPCAN Committee which will report to the National Executive Committee. The NEC will make final decisions regarding the awards and applicants will be notified by the 30th September 2010.

Many thanks,


National Office: 17 Priory Street, York YO1 6ET
Tel: 01904 613605    Fax: 01904 642239
[email protected]