WP5: Dissemination



Description of work Deliverables



  • Disseminate the existence of the project along with information for its aims, methodology and expected deliverables
  • Disseminate the results of the studies and all the deliverables to the authorities of the Balkan countries and other entities working on child abuse and neglect in the Balkan countries and worldwide

Description of work

1.    Website. Develop a website for the project and regularly update it
2.    Publications. Each national team will publish the research results in National scientific and popular Journals, in the official language of their country. The Consortium will also write up at least one scientific article on the results of the studies, which will be published in International Journals. As the waiting time for actual publishing an article in scientific Journals is usually long enough, the acceptance of the article for publication will be considered the particular deliverable. Announcements in scientific Conferences will be also used as a means of dissemination.
3.   Reports of Research Results. One National Report in the language of each partner country and one Balkan Report in English, describing the results of all of the researches conducted (WP3 and WP4), will be edit and disseminated as broadly as possible
4.   Conferences. A national conference for each participant and an international conference will be organized to discuss the results of the study with national and international scientific community, interested institutions and the public
5.   Dissemination through the Networks. TheNetworks developed in WP1 will be used throughout the project in order to disseminate information and all of the project’s deliverables as broad as possible in National, Balkan, European and International level.
6.    Communication material to be provided to the European Commission. The Consortium will provide annually a 2 pages Information Sheet (double sided A4) which will be drafted in a standard format communicated by the Commission.

It is anticipated that the whole Consortium and the Networks’ members will continue the dissemination of the deliverables as well as the publications after the end of the project..





Leaflets and other dissemination material from each Balkan country


Programs or/& Proceedings of National Conferences and International Conference on CAN in each Balkan country


CD-ROM containing the Reports from all studies translated into the official languages of 9 Balkan countries and in English


Publication sent to peer-reviewed international journal one scientific article on the results of the study for each partner country and one scientific article for overall results of the Balkan study


A 2 pages Information drafted in a standard format communicated by the Commission



Achievement Description


One website


Sent for publication one scientific article on the results of the study for each partner country


Sent for publication to international peer-reviewed Journal one scientific article on the results of the study


Ten Reports of the researches results (9 National and 1 Balkan)


Announcements/publications in press/media


Announcements/presentations in scientific Conferences/Meetings


Nine National Conferences on CAN (1 in each Balkan partner country)


One International Conference on CAN